23 ноября 2024 г.

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Азамат Джолдасбеков, президент АО «Казахстанская фондовая биржа»

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We keep in touch with each other

28 апрель 2020, 10:26
Sabina Altynbekova about Islamkhan, contract with the club in the UAE and provocative Instagram video. She also noted about the differences of Kazakhstani volleyball from UAE's. In an interview with a reporter of Vesti.kz kazakhstani volleyball player Sabina Altynbekova told how she became a player of the Arab "al-Wasla" and about the details of the contract. She mentioned about her Instagram, as well as the transition of the captain of the football team Bauyrzhan Islamkhan to the club from UAE.

- Sabina, how is your quarantine going, where do you spend it? And how do you feel about this situation with the coronavirus pandemic?

- In general, the quarantine is going well. At the moment, I am in Dubai, taking all precautions. Since March 16, a quarantine regime has been declared, in this regard, all trainings take place domestically. We do our best to keep fit on our own.

- Would you tell us how the option with the al-Wasl club emerged and were there any other options for you?

- Initially, one of the volleyball clubs in the UAE offered me to participate in competitions dedicated to the opening of the month of Ramadan 2019. After that, the al-Wasl volleyball club (whose owner is Sheikh's club Shamsa Hasher Mana al-Maktoum) contacted me and offered to negotiate the cooperation.

- For how long do you have a contract with al-Wasl?

- The contract is signed for one season so far.

- Could you remember your debut match in the UAE? How did you like it overall?

- The first game took place on January 10, we played against Shabab al-Ahly and won 3-2 against them. It was a difficult and intense game, but thanks to the team's unity and the professionalism of the coach, we won.

- Who do you communicate with the most in the new club and who supports you in the UAE?

- I feel welcomed right from the first days of my stay in the UAE and I still get the support from the team until today. Here, I would also like to note that the club's Director, managers and coaches treat me with special warmth. They did their best to make my stay in the Emirates as comfortable as possible for which I'm very thankful.

- How is it to play in the UAE? And what are the differences from the Kazakhstani league?

- I would not say that playing in the UAE is easy, since it requires a lot of effort and work on yourself. The difference from Kazakhstan volleyball is that a lot of money and attention is given to women's volleyball. But the level of volleyball in Kazakhstan is no worse than the level of volleyball in the Emirates.

- You are one of the most popular athletes in Kazakhstan and have a lot of followers on Instagram. The question is why do you post so rarely?

- Instagram is neither a platform for me to earn money nor to promote my name and a brand. However, in my free time I try to share some parts of my life with the followers.

- Have you heard that not so long ago a Kazakhstani football player appeared in the UAE - Bauyrzhan Islamkhan who plays for Al-Ain. Did you cross paths with him or communicate with him in some other way?

"Yes, I know him. And I am very happy that Kazakhstani athletes are trying themselves as legionnaires. We, athletes, always keep in touch with each other.

- Do you follow football at all and do you have a favorite team and player?

- Unfortunately, I don't follow football as much as I would like.

- Or maybe you have another favorite sport besides volleyball? If so, which one?

- I like Boxing and judo.

- A few days ago, the video appeared with you dancing in the club. It has already become very popular. Tell us more about it, how did it appear?

- This video was made at the end of January before the responsible game. We always try to be positive before the game so on one of these days the girls from the team took this video.

- How do you like the cuisine in the UAE and have you tried any of the national dishes? And what do you eat there mostly?

"I don't have any particular food preferences. But I really like Arabic cuisine, in particular fattoush salad and hummus.

- When do you plan to return home to Kazakhstan?

- Due to the current situation in the world, I plan to fly to Kazakhstan soon.

Altynbekova is currently playing for al-Wasl club in the UAE championship. The Kazakh woman joined this team in December, and made her debut in January.
The captain of the Kazakhstani national team Bauyrzhan Islamkhan moved to al-Ain on January 31, signing a contract until the end of the season. He has already managed to become the author of a beautiful long-range goal.
Noting that in the UAE, as in many countries, sports competitions have been suspended since March due to the coronavirus pandemic.
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